26 Aug 2008

Superlatives Roll In To Describe Tiger's "Miracle" At The U.S. Open

One of the few bright spots of the horrendous news that Tiger is done for the 2008 season is that the details of what Tiger endured and how he got ready (or more accurately, didn't) for the U.S. Open have elevated his already prodigious achievement into the realm of the truly unprecedented and downright mystical.

Consider these ridiculous facts:

- Tiger walked 91 holes (and won!) with no ACL in his left knee and a double fracture of his left tibia.

- Two weeks before the Open his doctors told him that he should be off the leg for six weeks (He told them, "I'm playing in the U.S. Open and I'm going to win").

- In the eight weeks prior to the Open Tiger played less than 36 practice holes and in the weeks just prior to the tournament could only hit 50 practice shots a day, just 4-5 at a time.

Tiger's swing coach Hank Haney has been the most outspoken about how very long the odds were that Tiger could even play. Haney said in one interview that Tiger was just hoping for a "Miracle" to happen so that he could just tee it up.

In another Haney interview you can link to below, ESPN host Scott Van Pelt describes Tiger as "from outer space," "not one of us," "not human." You are getting close Scott. You are getting very close.

TIGER WINS MOST EXCITING U.S .OPEN EVER!! But, is this the begining of the end?

Tiger Woods once again somehow found a way to rise to a nearly impossible occasion today and narrowly escaped what would have been one of the biggest upsets in golf history to win his third U.S. Open title on 91st hole.

When most mere humans gas tank would have been emptied long ago, Tiger Woods created heroics on 18th hole for the third straight day making a birdie to for a sudden death playoff against the more than game Rocco Mediate.

This was by far the most exciting U.S. Open (and perhaps golf tournament) in history. Tiger provided numerous "once in a lifetime" moments: the birdie on 10 on day 2 to start the 30 on the back nine, the 65 foot eagle putt on 13 on Saturday, The slam dunk chip in on 17, the eagle putt on 18, the 12 foot birdie putt to force a playoff on 18 on Sunday, the miracle bunker shot from the wrong hole on 15 on Monday, and the birdie to force sudden death on the 90th hole. All of this with a lame left knee and without having played in the prior seven weeks.

For many great players, this would provide more than a career highlight film. For Tiger, it was just a great weekend. There are really no words to describe just how incredible all of this was. We are simply lucky to have witnessed it.

Tiger himself called this his "best" major title ever. But is it possible if it is also his last? Tiger's statements on the condition of his left knee have been extremely cryptic and he has said he is not going to play for a while (he even said he may not play in his own tournament in D.C.) and that he played in the U.S. Open against doctor's orders.

While the Pastor is no doctor, he is extremely confused as to what logical scenario explains what has transpired here that does not include a serious threat to his career.

After all, if he was simply not done healing why did he play at all? It would have made no sense for him to risk his career, or even the rest of the season, for one tournament. So, that would strongly imply that the "healing" is mostly done. If that is the case, then how does Tiger possibly continue his practice and training regime with a knee that is clearly a huge hindrance. If the knee truly cannot get better, under even the best of circumstances it would be hard to imagine (even for Tiger) that his considerable skills would not quickly fade without being anywhere near 100% physically.

Keep in mind that Tiger is extremely good at masking what is really going on and the Pastor would not be shocked (though he would crestfallen) if this, perhaps his greatest major championship victory, may very well be his last. It may be relevant to note here that, from a religious perspective, Tiger is in his 33rd year (BTW, in an obvious internal family dispute, Tiger was caught on camera once again screaming "God Damn it!" after a bad shot out of a bunker on 12 today).

Let us hope (and pray if you like) that this is not the case. Regardless, let us once again rejoice in the glorious gift to mankind that is Tiger Woods.

OH MY GOD!!! This is just CRAZY!!!

Just when you think that Tiger Woods' well of miracles has finally gone dry, he comes up with one more at the most important and unlikely of moments. That is what happened today as Tiger, who struggled with his game, his knee, and even his decision making all day, some how made birdie on the last hole without ever having his ball touch the fairway. In a U.S. Open that is supposed to be impossible. To do that on the last hole to force a playoff is unthinkable. For Tiger, it was just a new way to come up with the same amazing result.

His birdie putt on the final hole today insures that no matter what happens tomorrow this is the most exciting U.S. Open in history. It may even be the greatest golf tournament in history.

While Tiger's left knee may never again be 100%, his courage, determination, will, and ability to rise to the moment are still the best the sports world (and maybe humanity) has ever seen. Even if he is just human (is that really possible after this weekend?) we are so lucky to be living in his era.

What else can you say?

I was lost and now I am found.

Praise Tiger. Good luck Rocco.


If there was any doubt that Tiger Woods was more than just a normal human being it was removed for all-time today with the most dramatic six holes in the history of the game.

Fighting a shaky game and a lame left knee that was getting worse by the minute, Tiger electrified the entire world of golf (and a prime-time TV audience) with a curling, downhill 65 foot eagle putt on the 13 hole. Tiger then completely last his tee ball and bogied 14 and struggled on 15 and 16 before slam dunking a birdie chip in on 17.

On 18 Tiger finally found the fairway and then hit an amazing second shot to the par 5 which left him wincing in pain and left him another long downhill eagle putt. When Tiger somehow made the eagle on 18 those watching would not have been the least bit surprised if the sky had parted and Tiger had ascended into the heavens.

Of course that would not have allowed him to take his one shot lead into the final round tomorrow. How tomorrow could possibly top today is impossible to imagine. However, doubting Tiger's ability to do anything usually proves to be ill-advised.

What we witnessed over the last 27 holes is the most incredible athletic performance that the Pastor has ever seen.


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