5 Aug 2008

Russell entertains the ladies

Russell entertains the ladies

Following a meal at London’s exclusive J. Sheekey’s restaurant in Covent Garden Russell Brand decided to do what he does best…. Entertain the ladies of course!! The comedian/actor was in particularly high spirits and posed for numerous pictures with the masses of female admirers he attracted. Play Paparazzibingo! (02/07/08)

Jennifer Aniston is jealous!

Jennifer Aniston is an angry woman; mostly because she hasn’t been able to secure a decent acting in job in years (Friends doesn’t count), but partly because when it comes to love, she doesn’t seem to have much luck. So it’s no wonder that she got in all of a fluster when her new boyfriend John Mayer got a backstage visit from a buxom blonde…

Kimberly Stuart (Rod Stuart’s offspring) popped in to see John when he was playing at this Sunday’s Hard Rock Calling gig in Hyde Park. The pair, who knew each other from the LA club scene, were talking backstage when Jen spotted them and got a case of the green-eyed monster, and immediately ordered Kimberly to be removed from the backstage area.

But one warning wasn’t enough for Kimberly. Ten minutes later, she was on the side of the stage, waving at John and cheekily catching Jennifer's eye while she was taking photos of her boyfriend. Angry Jen didn’t like this very much, as you can imagine. A close source revealed: "Kim was pulled off the stage and escorted through the Hard Rock VIP tent with a face like thunder, shouting: 'Why doesn't he want me here? Is this because of her?' "She totally embarrassed herself, but Jen looked relieved." Play Paparazzibingo! (02/07/08)

Ronaldo flecks his pecs

Showing of his perfectly toned torso Cristiano Ronaldo (allegedly a big bingo fan) is currently enjoying a well-earned break with his Spanish girlfriend in Italy, it would be easy to get the teensiest bit jealous of the footballer, but we’re sure his life's not all cocktails and sunshine, there must be some downsides right? Well that’s what we’ll keep telling ourselves anyway. Play Paparazzibingo! (25/04/08)

Oprah Winfrey looks a little rough!

Considering she’s just finished a well-publicised 21-day cleanse which prohibits caffeine, alcohol, sugar, gluten and animal products, Oprah Winfrey (AKA the most powerful celebrity in the world), looked particularly ropey when we spotted her strolling through Knightsbridge in London….

The talk show host who kept a blog detailing her intense three-week diet admitted: "I want some wine. Bordeaux 82. Just one glass at sunset, almost broke down and had a glass. I didn't." We’d like to say it looks like all the hard work paid off but it’s pretty clear for anyone to see it didn’t! Go and get some coffee Oprah, you look like you need it. Play Paparazzibingo! (25/04/08)

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