5 Aug 2008

Doctors Warn Posh Off Having More Kids…

England & Galaxy football star David Beckham with wife Victoria and kids, spend the day at Disney's California Adventure Park in Anaheim, California, USA. 11/06/2008
Victoria Beckham has made no secret of her desire to have a baby girl so when doctors told the 34-year-old mother of three she would be putting her own health at serious risk if she fell pregnant again we’re guessing the news didn’t go down too well….

A source close to the Beckham clan recently let slip that despite wanting to try for another baby when the Spice Girls tour was done and dusted Posh has been forced to put her plans on hold after doctors told her the chance of something going wrong during her fourth caesarean is highly likely and the worst case scenario could see her left we a ruptured bowel, a ruptured bladder or even having to undergo an emergency hysterectomy:

“She knows she is putting her health at risk if she dismisses the advice of her doctors and has another C-section. She’s put her plans on hold while she sees what can be done to help her. She wants to make sure her body is as strong as it can be.”

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